Recent References

‘I just wanted to say a quick thank you, Richard and Ian were great at our event and even helped us out registering people when we got super slammed. I really appreciate the level of service from all of you! 😊 thank you!’
May 2024
‘I just want to say we were extremely pleased with the services ExpoBadge provided this week for badge printing. I'm eager to receive our final report of check ins and no shows.’
May 2024
‘Appreciate you and the team’s help! Everything went perfect! Thank you so much!’
April 2024
‘Many thanks again for all your help - it's always a pleasure to work with ExpoBadge!’
April 2024
‘I want to drop you an email whilst I had some time to thank you and your team for a great delivery and service. It was a great success and we had fantastic feedback from delegates, staff and the clients. Ronald was a great support on site and made our job so much easier and stress free.

I really loved this system and we will be in touch to discuss our next upcoming event in the Fall.’
April 2024
‘Thank you so much for all of your invaluable assistance and guidance. It was truly appreciated, and very happy to have you as a member of our team on Thursday. You were great!’
April 2024
‘And a big shout out to Richard, he deserves a lot of credit for how smooth the registration and badge process was done.’
November 2023
‘A great big thank you again for the great collaboration at the meeting and all the prep work before.
You have a great team and have made our job onsite much easier year after year. ’
November 2023
‘Each of you have gone above and beyond for XXXX and me. You take customer service to another level.’
November 2023
‘let you know how very happy we are with the registration process. The new way of doing certificates seems to be well received by our attendees. I feel as if we are in the age of technology.

Thanks for all your contributions!’
November 2023
‘Robert was super amazing at the conference. Our staff love and adore him, and I wanted to make sure he know we are thankful for his leadership and work with NMAC!‘
October 2023
‘You have such a great team, it was a pleasure working with Ronald, Diane & Rick and always great to work with you as well.

All of you do such a great job. I am really impressed with you all, I never have to worry about anything because I know that it will get taken care of. That takes a lot of stress off of me.’
October 2023
‘... was THRILLED with ExpoBadge and the check-in process. It was smooth and seamless.’
October 2023
‘Thank you and your team for all the support leading into and at the event.
They were all so wonderful to work with.’
August 2023
‘I would like to say thank you for your outstanding work and support - making registration so ease as success. There was smooth registration experience to our registrants, and they are very happy with overall journey. I don’t have Richard’s email but please pass on this thank you note to him – he is very supportive and easy to work with 😊 Thank you , Leah for your technical expertise for Api development and serve without error on real time. Again, entire ExpoBadge team is a great team and looking forward to working with in 2024 @germany.’
June 2023
‘THANK YOU!! I appreciate everyone at Expobadge’s support and expertise. Please extend my thanks to Richard as well 😊. Couldn’t do it without you!’
June 2023
‘It’s always a pleasure working with ExpoBadge onsite at events and look forward to working with your team again soon!’
May 2023
‘I will also echo Jeff’s statement that your team is amazing, and we love working with your team onsite. Looking forward to our next show.’
May 2023
‘Great, thank you! It was a pleasure working with you again this year, and we hope to have you again in Las Vegas next year.’
May 2023
‘This year was amazing. Largest attendance we’ve had! Of course Steven was awesome. He’s part of our team! Jumping on the paper issue so quickly was amazing customer service. We were all stressed, but you both did an amazing job helping us out.’
May 2023
‘The conference is done and I just wanted to let you know that Ian was fantastic. So helpful and so efficient. Thank you for sending him to the show!’
March 28, 2023
‘Maria is our point of contact for ExpoBadge. She is amazing and always following up with us regarding the event, deadlines and execution. Her and her team are what make our registration a success. Their system works best for us and our needs and can do the same for you. Thank you Maria for following up with us and cannot wait to discuss 2024 with you in a few months. Thank you all.’
February 24, 2023
‘Just when I thought I couldn't live without Robert or Steven, here comes Ian! Ian was an absolute joy to work with! He was awesome at his job, came through with some innovative techniques for us to get some side projects done, and was a huge asset to my registration staff. I hope to work with you again in the future, you're AWESOME! THANK YOU!!!!’
November 17, 2022
‘The entire staff have commented on how much of a pleasure it is to work with Richard. He is helpful, super pleasant, extremely professional, and jumps in when necessary. He is a part of the team.’
November 3, 2022
‘Thank you so much, as always you have done a great job. You are awesome!! Everything went well, I'm impressed with the new equipment as was everyone. Thanks for everything, see you next year!’
October 14, 2022
‘Everything went great onsite, Jason Meilkian was fantastic onsite and we look forward to working with him in Ontario!’
October 3, 2022
‘Robert, I wanted to say THANK YOU for all your hard work in Montreal during the CRS 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo. Having you onsite was just like having another member of HQ join us, everything was fluid and flawless. Thank you for your expertise and constant professionalism, you're the best!’
July 27, 2022
‘Thanks again to you, Richard and Leah for all of their support. As always you are so supportive and I appreciate your expertise on-site. Everything went really well.’ June 24, 2022
‘I’d also just like to say THANK YOU to all of you for your participation in the Annual Meeting. Richard was a fantastic person to have onsite helping with reg, and Leah was doing magic behind the scenes. It has been lovely working with you all!’ June 21, 2022
‘Thank you for your support. Its amazing team and amazing collaboration. Kudos to Leah for neat and clean integration and kudos to Richard for exceptional onsite support.’ June 21, 2022
‘In my 42 years producing shows, this was the smallest but required the most effort. Your ability to step in and bail us out with our 11th hour loss of registration saved us. Jason was incredible, thank you. His team, so professional. He took the bull by the horns and got things in order and made it look as though you folks had been there from the start. He told me that he had often wondered how he’d perform in such a scenario, but he was cool as a cucumber, never in a panic, focused on the task and set (as I understand it) the shortest set-up time in his experience. I guess I am glad we helped him set the record! On behalf of Wes and myself, thank you and your staff for doing your job so well!’ June 20, 2022
‘Holy cow, those are the highest number of leads I’ve seen since working here. It was so great seeing you and working with you on this year’s show. I EXPECT/BEG to work with you again on next year’s show. We also want sweet Ronald back. My team raved about him!’ June 9, 2022
‘Good Morning / Afternoon! My brain is a bit exhausted from all of our recent events, so I apologize if I said this already but THANK YOU so much for all of the help with our last event. Robert was amazing onsite as always, and we really appreciate him helping us work through issues and training the temps.’ June 2, 2022
‘Thank you, Ronald. You did a terrific job, and it was a pleasure to have you work with us on this conference!’ May 13, 2022
‘...everything went very well and Ronald was a rock star once again!’ April 28, 2022
‘Hello! Thank you very much for all you and your team did to help CoSN 2022 be a success. It was great to have both Steven and Linda onsite for their assistance.’ April 15, 2022
‘Thanks so much for sending! We’ve received very positive feedback thus far and are definitely leaning into success!’ April 15, 2022
‘Thank you Maria. These are great reports. And thank you for your help to enable us to put on a great show. Robert did a great job onsite, and there were no issues with the equipment. We are still collecting surveys from attendees, but I will let you know if there are any other items to share later.’ April 11, 2022
‘Maria, thank you and your team, Leah & Richard. We are so happy with the outcome of your program.’ February 21, 2022
‘I had the pleasure of working with Steven this week in Salt Lake City at the 2021 AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery Annual Meeting. The ExpoBadge system was extremely easy to use for both myself and our attendees. We had dozens of comments on how quick and easy the system was from attendees and exhibitors.

Steven was a pleasure to work with and did a wonderful job welcoming our attendees to the Grand Hotel and providing them with directions and answers to the other questions that we received. He took initiative to assist when a power cord taping issue happened on Thursday in the exhibit hall to make sure that the hotel understood where it was and it was taken care of for me. Thank you Steven for all of your work and for being such a great partner at registration this week. I enjoyed getting to know you and hope your flight home was uneventful.

I am thankful for the partnership we had this week and look forward to the next time that the AANS and ExpoBadge can work together on another event.’ December 10, 2021
‘Your team is fantastic as always. So appreciate the help on the report discrepancies to make sure everything ran smoothly. Jason and Robert amazing, great help on site to jump in anywhere needed. Thanks again for everything!’ December 8, 2021
‘Onsite seemed to go very well. Jason did a great job for us once again. It was also great to meet Richard, he did a great job also. The print on demand worked amazing. I am glad that we finally made the transition.’ November 29, 2021
‘You and your team do such a great job!’ November 2, 2021
‘Thank you! I look forward to future events using Expo Badge. Staff, attendees, and exhibitors were impressed and pleased with how easy it was and how quickly they were able to check in.’ October 25, 2021
‘I wanted to thank you and the Expobadge team for another great experience and meeting. It is always a pleasure to work with you.’ October 15, 2021
‘Everything went great! Very smooth…and even though not many vendors used the system, they were very happy with the functionality. We will be in touch to line up 2022.’ August 22, 2021